- Index number:
- 000014453-2024-0065
- Dispatch date:
- 2024-09-30
- Publish organization:
- State Administration of Foreign Exchange
- Exchange Reference number:
- Name:
- SAFE Releases China's International Investment Position as at the End of June 2024
As at the end of June 2024, China’s external financial assets reached USD 9792.9 billion, external financial liabilities reached USD 6804.6 billion, and net external assets totaled USD 2988.3 billion.
In the external financial assets, direct investment assets amounted to USD 3023.9 billion, portfolio investment assets, USD 1235.3 billion, financial derivative assets, USD 21.9 billion, other investment assets, USD 2057.9 billion, and reserves assets, USD 3453.9 billion, accounting for 31 percent, 13 percent, 0.2 percent, 21 percent and 35 percent of external financial assets respectively.
In external liabilities, direct investment liabilities were USD 3487.7 billion, portfolio investment liabilities, USD 1857.7 billion, financial derivative liabilities, USD 29.5 billion and other investment liabilities, USD 1429.7 billion, accounting for 51 percent, 27 percent, 0.4 percent and 21 percent of the external financial liabilities respectively.
In SDR terms, China’s external financial assets and liabilities reached SDR 7445.1 billion and SDR 5173.3 billion respectively, and external net assets totaled SDR 2271.9 billion at the end of June 2024.
In addition, in order to facilitate understanding of the data of Balance of Payments and International Investment Position among all data users, the BOP Analysis Team of the SAFE released China's Balance of Payments Report for the First Half of 2024.(End)
China's International Investment Position,
End of June 2024
Item | Line No. | Position in 100 million USD | Position in 100 million SDR |
Net Position | 1 | 29883 | 22719 |
Assets | 2 | 97929 | 74451 |
1 Direct Investment | 3 | 30239 | 22989 |
1.1 Equity and Investment Fund Shares | 4 | 26011 | 19775 |
1.2 Debt Instruments | 5 | 4228 | 3214 |
1.a Financial Sectors | 6 | 4245 | 3227 |
1.1.a Equity and Investment Fund Shares | 7 | 3927 | 2985 |
1.2.a Debt Instruments | 8 | 318 | 242 |
1.b Non-financial Sectors | 9 | 25994 | 19762 |
1.1.b Equity and Investment Fund Shares | 10 | 22085 | 16790 |
1.2.b Debt Instruments | 11 | 3910 | 2972 |
2 Portfolio Investment | 12 | 12353 | 9391 |
2.1 Equity and Investment Fund Shares | 13 | 7303 | 5553 |
2.2 Debt Securities | 14 | 5050 | 3839 |
3 Financial Derivatives (other than reserves) and Employee Stock Options | 15 | 219 | 167 |
4 Other Investment | 16 | 20579 | 15646 |
4.1 Other Equity | 17 | 99 | 75 |
4.2 Currency and Deposits | 18 | 4631 | 3521 |
4.3 Loans | 19 | 8085 | 6146 |
4.4 Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes | 20 | 300 | 228 |
4.5 Trade Credit and Advances | 21 | 6548 | 4978 |
4.6 Others | 22 | 916 | 697 |
5 Reserve Assets | 23 | 34539 | 26258 |
5.1 Monetary Gold | 24 | 1697 | 1290 |
5.2 Special Drawing Rights | 25 | 532 | 404 |
5.3 Reserve Position in the IMF | 26 | 98 | 74 |
5.4 Foreign Currency Reserves | 27 | 32224 | 24498 |
5.5 Other Reserve Assets | 28 | -11 | -8 |
Liabilities | 29 | 68046 | 51733 |
1 Direct Investment | 30 | 34877 | 26516 |
1.1 Equity and Investment Fund Shares | 31 | 32062 | 24375 |
1.2 Debt Instruments | 32 | 2815 | 2140 |
1.a Financial Sectors | 33 | 2022 | 1538 |
1.1.a Equity and Investment Fund Shares | 34 | 1817 | 1381 |
1.2.a Debt Instruments | 35 | 206 | 157 |
1.b Non-financial Sectors | 36 | 32855 | 24978 |
1.1.b Equity and Investment Fund Shares | 37 | 30245 | 22994 |
1.2.b Debt Instruments | 38 | 2610 | 1984 |
2 Portfolio Investment | 39 | 18577 | 14123 |
2.1 Equity and Investment Fund Shares | 40 | 10995 | 8359 |
2.2 Debt Securities | 41 | 7582 | 5764 |
3 Financial Derivatives (other than reserves) and Employee Stock Options | 42 | 295 | 224 |
4 Other Investment | 43 | 14297 | 10869 |
4.1 Other Equity | 44 | 0 | 0 |
4.2 Currency and Deposits | 45 | 4836 | 3677 |
4.3 Loans | 46 | 3759 | 2858 |
4.4 Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes | 47 | 278 | 212 |
4.5 Trade Credit and Advances | 48 | 3797 | 2887 |
4.6 Others | 49 | 1150 | 874 |
4.7 Special Drawing Rights | 50 | 476 | 362 |
Notes:1. This table employs rounded-off numbers.
2.Net International Investment Position refers to assets minus liabilities.Positive figure refers to net assets, and negative figure refers to net liabilities.
3.The SDR denominated data is converted from the USD denominated data, using the exchange rate of SDR against USD at the end of the quarter.
4.The IIP data is revised regularly; please find the latest data in “Data and Statistics”.