- Index number:
- 000014453-2024-0063
- Dispatch date:
- 2024-09-27
- Publish organization:
- State Administration of Foreign Exchange
- Exchange Reference number:
- Name:
- SAFE Releases Data on External Financial Assets and Liabilities of China's Banking Sector as at the End of June 2024
As at the end of June 2024, China's banking sector recorded external financial assets of USD 1519.0 billion, external liabilities of USD 1485.7 billion, and net external assets of USD 33.3 billion, including net RMB liabilities of USD 316.7 billion and net foreign currency assets of USD 350.0 billion. Among the external financial assets of the banking sector, by instrument, deposits and loans were USD 931.5 billion, bonds investment, USD 355.9 billion, and other assets including equity, USD 231.7 billion, accounting for 61 percent, 23 percent and 15 percent of the sector's total external financial assets respectively. By currency, RMB assets were USD 413.7 billion, USD assets were USD 780.5 billion, and other currency assets were USD 324.8 billion, accounting for 27 percent, 51 percent and 21 percent respectively. By counterpart sector, the amount invested in the overseas banking sector was USD 755.4 billion, accounting for 50 percent; the amount invested in the overseas non-banking sector was USD 763.6 billion, accounting for 50 percent. Among the external liabilities of the banking sector, by instrument, deposits and loans were USD 726.3 billion, bonds investment, USD 349.1 billion, and other liabilities including equity, USD 410.3 billion, accounting for 49 percent, 23 percent and 28 percent of the sector's total external liabilities respectively. By currency, RMB liabilities were USD 730.5 billion, USD liabilities, USD 411.8 billion, and other currency liabilities, USD 343.5 billion, accounting for 49 percent, 28 percent and 23 percent respectively. By counterpart sector, USD 682.4 billion was from overseas banking sector, accounting for 46 percent; while USD 803.3 billion was from overseas non-banking sector, accounting for 54 percent. (End)