- Index number:
- 000014453-2024-0061
- Dispatch date:
- 2024-09-27
- Publish organization:
- State Administration of Foreign Exchange
- Exchange Reference number:
- Name:
- SAFE Releases Selected Data on Transactions in the Chinese Foreign Exchange Market in August 2024
According to the statistics of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), the Chinese foreign exchange market (excluding foreign currency pairs, the same below) recorded total transactions of RMB 26.94 trillion (equivalent to USD 3.78 trillion) in August 2024.
In terms of markets, the transactions volume of client market was RMB 3.40 trillion (equivalent to USD 0.48 trillion), and the transactions volume of interbank market was RMB 23.54 trillion (equivalent to USD 3.30 trillion). In terms of products, the cumulative transactions volume of the spot market was RMB 9.88 trillion (equivalent to USD 1.39 trillion), and that of the derivatives market was RMB 17.06 trillion (equivalent to USD 2.39 trillion).
From January to August 2024, a total of RMB 190.33 trillion (equivalent to USD 26.76 trillion) was traded in the Chinese foreign exchange market.