- Index number:
- 000014453-2014-00292
- Dispatch date:
- 2014-11-26
- Publish organization:
- State Administration of Foreign Exchange
- Exchange Reference number:
- Huifa No. 44 [2014]
- Name:
- Circular of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Announcing the Repeal and Expiration of Regulatory Documents on Foreign Exchange Administration
The branches and foreign exchange administrative departments of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) in all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the branches of the SAFE in Shenzhen, Dalian, Qingdao, Xiamen, and Ningbo:
To further improve the regulatory system of foreign exchange administration and to facilitate trade investment, we hereby notify you regarding the validity of some regulatory for exchange administration documents as follows:
I. Eighteen regulatory documents, of which the main content has been replaced by new content and does not conform to current management practices, shall be repealed. (Please refer to Annex 1 for a list.)
II. Sixteen regulatory documents on foreign exchange administration, of which either the application period has expired or the objects under administration have ceased to exist, are rendered invalid and declared invalid. (Please refer to Annex 2 for a list.)
The Circular will take effect as of the date of promulgation.
Annex 1: Checklist of EighteenForeign Exchange Administration Regulatory Documents Repealed by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.
Annex 2: Checklist of Sixteen Regulatory Foreign Exchange Administration Documents Declared Invalid by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.
State Administration of Foreign Exchange
September 22, 2014
FILE: Checklist of Eighteen Regulatory Foreign Exchange Administration Documents Repealed by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange
FILE: Checklist of Sixteen Regulatory Foreign Exchange Administration Documents Declared Invalid by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange