- Index number:
- 000014453-2014-00214
- Dispatch date:
- 2014-08-01
- Publish organization:
- State Administration of Foreign Exchange
- Exchange Reference number:
- Huifa No. 24 [2014]
- Name:
- Circular of SAFE and the General Administration of Customs on Printing and Distributing the Regulations on the Administration of Banks’ Transport of Foreign Currency Banknotes Into or Out of the Territory of the PRC
In order to adapt to the development of banks’ transport of foreign currency banknotes and further standardize administration of banks’ transport of foreign currency banknotes into or out of the territory of the PRC, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) and the General Administration of Customs (GAC) jointly revised the Regulations on the Administration of Banks’ Transport of Foreign Currency Banknotes Into or Out of the Territory of the PRC (see the attachment). It is hereby printed and distributed to you and the relevant particulars are notified as follows:
I. Banks that already qualify to transport foreign currency banknotes into or out of PRC territory prior to the issuance of this Circular do not need to reapply for such qualification.
II. The License for Banks’ Transport of Foreign Currency Banknotes Into or Out of PRC Territory that has been printed and signed by the SAFE prior to the issuance of this Circular shall remain valid until September 30, 2015. Licenses that have not been used by then will be uniformly reclaimed and destroyed by the SAFE.
After receiving the Regulations, the branches and administrative departments of the SAFE shall timely transfer them to the central sub-branches, sub-branches, and Chinese-foreign banks within their respective jurisdictions. The Circular of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange and the General Administration of Customs on the Issuance of Regulations on the Administration of Banks’ Transport of Foreign Currency Banknotes Into or Out of the Territory of the PRC (Huihan No. 65 [1998]), the Circular of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange and the General Administration of Customs on Issues Concerning Banks’ Transport of Macau Pataca Banknotes (Huifa No. 204 [1999]), the Circular of the Comprehensive Department of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange and the General Office of the General Administration of Customs on Issues Concerning the Transport of Russian Ruble Banknotes Into or Out of the Territory of the PRC (Huizongfa No. 44 [2004]), and the Circular of the Comprehensive Department of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange and the General Office of the General Administration of Customs on Issues Concerning Banks’ Transport of Foreign Currency Banknotes Into or Out of the Territory of the PRC Handled by the Urumqi Port Customs (Huizongfa No. 198 [2007]) shall simultaneously be repealed. If problems arise in implementation, please contact the SAFE and the GAC in a timely manner.
Contact No. of the SAFE: 010-68402313
Contact No. of the GAC: 010-65194959
Attachment: Regulations on the Administration of Banks’ Transport of Foreign Currency Banknotes into or Out of the Territory of the PRC
State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE)
General Administration of Customs (GAC)
April 22, 2014
FILE: Regulations on the Administration of Banks’ Transport of Foreign Currency Banknotes Into or Out of the Territory of the PRC